Nadia Bey

Hi. I’m a lifelong writer who found her way to health policy and journalism. My work is driven by a belief that everyone deserves equal access to information and resources. Currently, I’m a graduate student at George Washington University and a freelance reporter.

My fascination with science and health began at a young age. Joining Science Olympiad introduced me to epidemiology, and over time, I learned that public health was about more than just infectious disease. My interests took me to Duke University: in my first year, witnessing the disparate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and trying to obtain care for a personal health issue sparked an interest in health policy - particularly access to care, affordability (of services and drugs/devices), and health disparities.

I discovered my interest in journalism much later than my interest in health. In high school, I was a staff writer for The Academic, an online zine focused on study habits. I later began writing about arts and culture at Affinity Magazine, eventually becoming editor of the books section. When I arrived at Duke, I joined The Chronicle, the university’s student-led, financially independent news organization. Ironically, my first Chronicle article featured the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, where I would later pursue a research internship and be named an undergraduate Margolis Scholar.

Nowadays, I’m primarily interested in policy analysis, data analysis, health and investigative reporting, and noncommunicable diseases. My policy and research work is highlighted on my research page. You can learn more about my background and skills on my about page. I have written for multiple outlets over the years, a sample of which is available on my writing page. My projects page showcases programming side projects, primarily Python.

If you’re interested in my work or just want to chat, the best way to reach me is via email (beynadiaa [at] gmail [dot] com).